Children Who Have Experienced a Stressful or Traumatic Situation or Event Such As:
Sometimes your child may act out with inappropriate or problem behaviors, or become anxious or withdrawn for what seems like no reason at all. As your child grows, he or she will encounter stressful events that may lead to emotional or behavioral difficulties.
a serious illness, injury or hospitalization to self or a family member
the death of a family member or friend
a motor vehicle accident
a residential fire
starting school for the first time or moving to a new school
social or academic difficulties
being bullied
moving or relocation to a new home
birth of a sibling
frequent parental conflict
parental separation or divorce
a parent's remarriage
drug or alcohol abuse in the family
witnessing or being a victim of family violence
physical or emotional abuse or neglect
sexual abuse
foster care or adoption
witnessing or being a victim of criminal activity, community violence, or terrorism
a natural disaster, such as a flood, earthquake, hurricane, forest fire, etc.